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Cleanse & Re-boot your system

The word " Detox plan" is so popular, and people who think about detox straight away imagine weight loss. You will lose weight, without a doubt, but will it be a fat loss? This is questionable.

- Is it true that detox can re-boot your health? In some cases, yes.

- How long should you detox? - It depends on your full biochemistry blood test and your eating habits.

- How much weight can I lose in 14 days? The heavier you are, the more water you will lose, with very small fat loss percentages.

The best way to choose the right detox plan for you is to book FREE 15min consultation. Thank you.

Healthy Green Smoothies

How can a Detox

help Your Body Restore



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How to Detox, and should you?

There are many ways to detox your body, and before you jump on any cleanser diet plan, I strongly recommend a full biochemistry blood test first. Your blood can show your current health, and based on your results, I create a program for you. 

For example, juice detox doesn't work for someone with a high bilirubin level, and fasting is not recommended for people with high urea and creatinine levels in the blood. These are just two examples for you. Some people do very well without any detox plan; in this case, I would add foods to improve the microbiome in the gut. This way body will multiply existing gut bacteria, and macrophages destroy bad cells or inflammatory cells.

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